Jonathan Morrow
University of Michigan
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
PTSD Learning And Memory Addiction Rodent Vulnerability Individual Differenc Translational
In addition to running a very active research program, I provide medication management and other clinical care to patients through the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS). The main research interest of my lab is delineating the basic neurobiology that underlies motivated behavior. We use individual differences in Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior in animals to measure a type of cue-reactivity that can predispose to multiple psychiatric comorbidities, including addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder. Ongoing projects in my lab include characterizing the psychological properties of cue-reactivity, identifying molecular and circuit-based mechanisms that determine an individual’s Pavlovian learning style, and identifying interventions that can switch individuals from vulnerable to resilient phenotypes. In addition, we have adapted Pavlovian conditioned approach tasks for human subjects so that this research can be used in longitudinal and neuroimaging studies of clinical populations. These projects provide ideal opportunities for mentoring trainees in alcoholism and other addiction-related research.
About Jonathan
Ann Arbor, Michigan US
Research areas and interests
Addiction Intrinsic Motivation And Your Brain Mental Health Molecular Genetics / Neuroepigenetics Neural Circuits And Behavioral Plasticity Translational Neuroscience
Research methods
Brain Activity Recording Complex Behavior Analysis Neural Circuit Analysis Neurochemistry
Research model system